Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Add Ons

Hey there again! I have come to you with some really cool add ons that I think everyone should utilize. An add on is a small piece of software created to make your experience with your computer easier.

Google Translator for Firefox is an amazing add on because if you happen to come across a page you would like to read but can't because it is in another language then you can highlight up to 38,000 characters and have the add on translate it to your language. English should be the default language. However its better to highlight very few words because then the translation begins faster. The picture below shows the tool after see it on your screen, click on the down arrow to the right of it and it will give the option to translate the entire page.

No Squint is another add on that I think is very beneficial if you have issues with your sight or the text is just too small to read on the screen, you can use the No Squint add on.  Once you download the add on there should be a magnifying glass in the corner of your screen that looks something like this. You click on it and it will have a range of options on there, but if you just want to adjust the zoom it will look like this.

Calculator is an add on that can solve the most confusing functions or the simplest of equations. You still have to enter the numbers in like you would a regular calculator, but you are given more options. Your calculator add on will be located under tools. After you find it there you must hold your mouse on the arrow and open it in another tab, sidebar, or in another window. Once you open it somewhere else it should look something like this.

Pop-Up Dictionary is an add on that is really cool and helps a lot when your doing your homework, you click on the word you don't understand on the web page and a pop-up will be displayed and will show you the meaning of the word and sometimes synonyms. 
Open Links in New Tab add on is out of the ones I have searched my favorite because I hate being on a website then clicking on a link I like then leaving the web page I was on. With this add on that will no longer be an issue you can click on the link and the add on automatically creates a new tab with that website there. The tabs created will resemble the image below.

Morning Coffee is an add on that keeps tracks of the websites your on the most. Its helpful if your lazy and don't feel like typing in your websites all it takes is a couple of clicks and your there. The icon looks something like this.

The Panic Button is an add on that allows you to close out of whatever your in with a click of a button.

The Weather Now add on is good if your a busy person and want to know whats appropriate to wear quickly. With the click of a button you can know what the weather will be like in your exact location.

The Theme and Font Changer add on changes the font and the theme of whatever your reading. This helps if you ever get bored with what your reading you could always change the font and make it more interesting.

 The Ad Block Site add on blocks any unwanted ads. If you are on a site and ads are popping up and blocking you from being the site you want, this ad is going to help. This is beneficial because all the ads that everyone hates so much are going to be blocked.

P.S: Sorry I'm just now getting this published, I haven't had time and didn't finish on the day we worked on it. I wanted to make sure I published quality work so sorry again. Bye!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Google Drive

Hey there! Today we explored this amazing tool called Google Drive. In this tool you can create many different things. You can create a spreadsheet which is similar to the Numbers application on the Ipad. You can create a document which is like using the Microsoft Word program. Or you can even make a presentation which is like the Keynote application. This tool is so helpful and so easy to use. When you create your document you can either keep it private or share it with someone else. You can even chat with others while you are on this tool. When you add others they can edit your paper so be sure your careful about who you choose to see your creation. This isn't just for at school either if you are at home you can get on the tool and work on it as well, so say you have a partner for a project you both can edit it together.

Google Drive is located at the top of your screen when your in the google search engine.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Animated Text Generators

Hey there again! I have come to you with yet another amazing tool! They are called animated text generators, there are a variety of texts and fonts you can choose from. The ones we explored today are glowtxt.com and flashvortex.com. Glow text looks something like this (see picture below). If you like the way the glow text looks then click here to start creating your amazing designs.
Another website you can visit for font designs is flashvortex.com. In my opinion there is a lot more options on this site and I would highly recommend someone using this for their blog or anything else they had in mind. The picture below is the example I made on their website. If your interested in this site click here to create your design. All in all it comes down to what you prefer more. I hope this post helped see you later!